Cyprus finest hour with Commandaria


Vindication for Commandaria at this week in Thessaloniki’s International Wine Competition and St. Barnabas Commandaria vintage 2002 produced by Sodap, almost stole the show only to rivaled only by Ktima Tselepos Kokkinomilos – both of these wines winning Grand Gold awards in this 12th edition and unrivaled Best Sweet Wine in the 19th Edition of the competition.

Commandaria St. Barnabas 2002 a blend from a 15-25 years old vines of Xynisteri produced in the Agios Konstantinos, part of the AOC of Commandaria region in Cyprus.

Congratulations the winemaking team at the Kamanterena Winery

More about: the International Wine Competition of Thessaloniki 2019

More about Commandaria Wine – L’incontournable wine in Cyprus